When making the big decision about who is going to be the company you trust to manage your biggest investment, having all the facts at hand makes it an easy one. Since GetAway Vacations loves to make life easier for both clients and potential clients, we have compiled a list of our rental property management FAQs. Starting a vacation rental business can be complicated, but if you enlist the help of our full-service rental property management company, we take the burden off and allow you to sit back and reap the benefits of an investment done right.
What Makes GetAway Vacations Different Than the Other Rental Property Management Companies?
The list of differences is long, but our knowledge, dedication, and experience probably are three items that should top it. We live here, we work here, and yes, we even play here, so we know the area better than other companies who aren’t as personally invested in the Killington region. Our dedication to providing quality rentals to vacationers allows you to charge top dollar, knowing your home will be well maintained, and our years of experience in the vacation rental market means that you, the homeowner, will always receive a maximum return on your investment.
What Management Services Can I Expect from GetAway Vacations?
It may be simpler to advise you of what services we DON’T offer. Our full-service PMC doesn’t believe in doing anything halfway! The difference will be apparent from the first time we sit down, where we’ll discuss your goals when purchasing the property. Do you want to use it for investment purposes only, or will you be mixing business and pleasure and staying there throughout the year? We’ll discuss how you can make your property better for a vacationer’s needs, how we plan to market it, what the going rates for vacation rentals are in Killington, how to keep expenses down, and so much more! Our rental property management services also include housekeeping, maintenance, and guest services that never shut down. When we say full-service, we really mean it!
How are the Homes Advertised?
For us, marketing is the fun part! We provide professional and experienced photographers who understand the tricks to showing your property in its best light. If you’re unsure how to furnish or design your investment property, we provide assistance there as well. Pretty homes can be made beautiful with a few choice accents, and beautiful homes rent easier! Once the photography part is over, our multi-tiered advertising plan allows your property to be seen on all the top vacation rental websites, including VRBO, AirBnB, and our own GetAway Vacations site as well. The more exposure your property receives, the more likely you will have less vacancies!
How Much is This Going to Cost Me?
This is our second favorite question to answer. We stay competitive by offering some of the lowest prices in the region. We love our job so much as a rental property management company, if we could do it for free, we would, but by keeping the prices low, we help our clients receive a maximum return on their investment!
Let’s Do This!
Every moment you wait is another booking you might be missing. Call us or email us today and let’s get your investment property on the market!