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Day Trip

Why You Need to Experience Simon Pearce Glassblowing

If you have an affinity for glassware and pottery, chances are you’ve heard of Simon Pearce. This prominent Irish-American designer creates gorgeous pieces for everyday use. He’s worked with notable glassmakers all over Europe and even opened a U.S. factory in Quechee, Vermont. Situated on the scenic Ottauquechee River, the Simon Pearce flagship store offers a restaurant, bar, and a demonstration facility. Here’s why attending a Simon Pearce glassblowing event should...

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Factory Tours

3 of the Best Reasons to Take a Crowley Cheese Factory Tour

Did you know that the Crowley Cheese Company is the oldest indigenous manufacturer of cheese in the United States? The factory was built in Mt Holly, Vermont in 1882, and it’s delicious dairy began to reach the shores of Maine and the streets of Manhattan soon after. Now visitors can take a Crowley Cheese factory tour and watch as the award-winning cheese is made by hand – just as it...

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5 of the Best Places to Visit in Vermont in Spring

As winter releases its bitter grip, locals and visitors alike welcome the anticipated arrival of spring in Vermont. The quaint, country towns begin to thaw, and bright green leaves cover the trees. The average daytime temperature is a mild 61 degrees, and impromptu rain showers occur frequently during the wet months of April and May. The warm weather also brings tons of activities for guests to enjoy, from exciting festivals and...

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10 Things to do near Killington VT

The summer season is knocking on our door bringing with it warm temperatures and a strong desire to get outside and mingle with nature. No longer trapped by the harsh reality of winter, now may be the perfect time to visit Killington, VT. But what is there is there to do here, you ask? In a nutshell, everything. This area offers a plethora of options for every activity level and...

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